Monday, May 28, 2007

Ana Popovic @ Culemborg Blues 2007

On August 25th 2007 Anna Popovic will perform at the Culemborg Blues 2007. Want to know more about Anna, well I linked het page. So click the link and start learning.
Read more about Ana Popovic
What I read and heard about/from this young girl gives me more than enough excuses to go to Culemborg in August. Hope you do the same.

Besides Anna Popovic, more national & international Bluesbands wil give act de presence at Culemborg. I try to link as many artist pages so you can get a picture of the variety of artist that will come.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Cuby & The Blizzards-Tour 65

Last Thursdaynight was a magnificent blues nigtht. That night I went to a performance of Cuby & The Blizzards in musiccentre Vredenburg in Utrecht.
At first there was Ralph de Jongh to warm up the public before the main event started. I myself like to lsten and see how Ralph performs the blues. When Ralph picks up the guitar he seems to become a complete other man. He becomes part of his guitar and the blues he is playing, you see the blues coming out of each vibre of his body. Ralphs blues can be best compared with the original delta blues from the Mississippi Delta. When you close your eyes you hear Jhon Lee Hooker but at the same time the slight differences in the sound so which makes Ralph so Unique.
After that Cuby & The Blizards made their entance. Harry "Cuby" Muskee, 65 years of age, is a performer through the heart, a proffesional, a stage animal, a perfectionist and super cool on stage. He directs his band and gives the soloïsts the room they need on stage. He is still top. The program is almost the same as on the live recorded cd "Live in het Oude Luxor", which I bought during the break.
A night with good music, and as all good things it was over to soon.
Ralph, Harry,Helmig, Hans, Herman, Erwin and other musicians thank you for a rememberable night.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Linked !

This page is now linked by Blueslinks

Hereby the mail Kees Wielemaker sent me


i have add your site at the mother of all blues links collections.
( on this moment more than 4700 blueslinks to see)

i hope you link my site on your page.
if you know more nice blueslinks please mail me!
You can put your gig or festival on the world-wide bluescalender, you can find him on the site.
for bands:
if you like, send me all information (oa promotional package/demo's)
your band to:

(we are a organization of severall bluesfestivals in holland.)
the 2th week of may each year:
kwadendamme bluesfestival in holland.
and also we organize'd 5 bluesroute's in city's in holland.
goes, middelburg , bergen op zoom, vlissingen, terneuzen.
on the bluesroute's we have only bands from holland or belgium.

our adres is:
bluestown vof
p/a dijkstraat 7
4388 cj oost souburg

thanks and see you
kees wielemaker

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Cuby and the Blizzards

photo by H.W. de Nijs, Utrecht, The Netherlands, copyright 2007

Well upcoming thursday one of the eldest bluesband in the Netherlands "Cuby & The Blizzards" will perform in Vredenburg at Utrecht. Although Harry "Cuby" Muskee is already 65 years of age, thats why the tour is called "Route 65" I think, he still is one of the best bluesartist of the world. Also Ralph the young will be present , he played Harry Muskee in a film about Harry when he was young. As well as Harry, Ralph's blues comes from the heart. I am looking forward to upcoming Thursday, I already gave myself a ticket for this show. How it was I will tell you as I have seen, but above all heard it.
So keep watching this page, and till next time. O yeah please if you do (dis)like my pages leave a comment or write a message in my guestbook. I am always curious who is reading my pages.

More blues, upcoming is the Culemborg Blues 2007 in August. Can't wait, please visit Live Music Club Cees Place, home of the jazz and shelter of the blues every wednesdaynight bluesnight, open stage from 22.00 h so bring your guitar or other instruments (drums on stage same goes for keys and amplifiers) and play along, see you there.

Please also visit my pages Keepin the blues alive and The Nice Thats my Nickname

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Culemborg blues 2007

Its still early but the progam for Culemborg blues 2007, that will be held on Saturday August 25th, is known. I put the flyer overhere. If you want to learn more about Culemborg blues 2007 surf through the following link to the official website Culemborg blues 2007

flyer Culemborg blues 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

UCK JazzNight @ Ceesplace - May 2007

Yesterday, Thursday May 10th 2007, there was the second JazzNight of UCK. Performences were given by the students of UCK. All was under supervision and organized by Iman Spaargaren, who gives Saxophone classes. Last night there were performences of Stoom Cursus I, Stoom Cursus II, Quatro Saxofoni and Toeter & Groef. It was a great succes, evryone played with great enthousiasm and pleasure. After the break Iman Spaargaren played some songs with his band.
All was held in Live Music Club Ceesplace, Oude Gracht, Utrecht.

A short photo impression you will find clicking the picture or the link underneath it.
